Saturday, March 7, 2009

Brad's Surprise Bday party


So, today my good friend Heather and others organized Brad's Surprise Birthday party (His birthday was actually the 22nd of February and he turned 22). It was a good excuse to get together and meet new people. The cake idea kind of fell through (it took forever for it to be cooked and the candles melted into the cake). But I definitely got my share of laughs today. I think no one can top Kathryn's ability to make cakes. I hear the one last year was in shape of a treble clef. This year, it was not made from scratch and there was more wax on the cake than the cake itself. We still ate it anyways, and it was good. I didn't take a picture of it, because I don't want anyone blackmailing me for it later in life.

Brad was indeed surprised. And the color of the walls in the lounge gave my pictures a nice kick. ;-)


First reaction to the crowd!

Brad talking to Kathryn from France, on Skype.

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